

I wonder where her thoughts are taking her right now.

Yin and Yang

Yin and Yang

Creative aesthetic studio photography that looks awesome even at super large print sizes. I love the soft texture her spine creates.



Soft light but a surprising pose that makes one wonder about which way is up.



I love the uncompromising poser of this pose. I reject labels like feminine and male for shots like this. The high contrast light, pose and expression give the model so much power.

Light Painting

Light Painting

This is an 8 full Second long exposure. Why is the model not motion blurred you ask?! Well, come into the studio and I'll show you (not done in Photoshop). Loving my Light Blades for shots like this.

Into wild waters

Into wild waters

All it takes is a little bit of imagination. Thanks for pulling off this pose and making it look so effortless.


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